🤖 Google is building an AI search engine

PLUS: OpenAI's brand new competitor

In today's rundown:

  • 📱 Google is building an AI search: Project 'Magi'

  • 🤖 Elon Musk starts AI company: OpenAI's newest competitor

  • 🎧 AI song goes VIRAL: AI Drake & The Weeknd

Read time: 4 minutes

📱 Google is Building an AI Search

According to the New York TimesGoogle is making a major change to search with a new AI search engine called Project 'Magi.' Here's the rundown:

  • Google has 160 engineers working on this project. 

  • It will have a chat-like interface, similar to ChatGPT.

  • Transactions such as booking a flight will start happening directly on Google search.

  • Public release is expected to be next month for limited U.S. citizens.

The bottom line: Google is replacing the old-school method of displaying 10 results per page with an intelligent chatbot that provides instant answers.

Of note: This innovative move by Google comes after Samsung considered switching to Microsoft Bing as its default device search engine, potentially costing Google a staggering $3 billion in annual revenue.

🤖 Elon Musk Starts an AI Company

Elon Musk has recently established a new artificial intelligence company called X.AI, as first reported by the Wall Street Journal. Incorporated in Nevada last month, the company lists Musk as its director and Jared Birchall as secretary.

Speculation around Musk's AI ambitions grew after he purchased 10,000 GPUs for a generative AI project and began to recruit leading AI researchers.

Interestingly, this comes just three weeks after Musk signed an Open Letter urging a pause on AI advancements more powerful than GPT-4. If you can't stop them, join them 🤷‍♂️.

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🎧 AI-Generated Song Goes Viral

This AI-generated song, "Heart on My Sleeve," created by "ghostwriter977," is currently blowing up on TikTok and other social media platforms. The track, released just a day ago, features AI versions of Drake and The Weeknd and has already gained over 250,000 streams on Spotify.

Regardless of personal opinions on the song's quality, this development shows that AI technology is increasingly blurring the lines between real and robot-generated, signaling a potentially big shift in the music industry.

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🐦 Tweet of the day

Practical ChatGPT prompting techniques:

That's all for now!

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