U.S. tests ChatGPT for military strategy

PLUS: Stability AI's 3D object generator

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The U.S. Army is reportedly testing AI chatbots such as GPT-4 (ChatGPT) as battle advisors in military strategy simulations.

But is the tech ready? Let’s get into it…

In today’s AI rundown:

  • U.S Army explores GPT-4 as a battle adviser

  • Stability AI drops 3D object generator

  • Comparing Claude 3 vs. ChatGPT

  • Trust in AI tumbles in new study

  • 6 new AI tools & 4 new AI jobs

  • More AI & tech news

Read time: 3 minutes



Image source: DALL-E 3

The Rundown: The US Army Research Lab is reportedly testing commercial AI chatbots like GPT-4 as battlefield planning assistants in war game simulations.

The details:

  • In an experiment, AI chatbots proposed battle plans for a war scenario in the game StarCraft II.

  • OpenAI's GPT-4 outperformed other AI models tested, though they were still imperfect.

  • The DoD has identified a whopping 180 possible military uses for AI, working with copmpanies like Palantir and Scale AI to integrate the tech.

  • Experts caution against using AI for military decisions, citing feasibility and ethical/bias concerns.

Why it matters: While AI’s integration in warfare is unavoidable, its use on the battlefield still raises troubling ethical and moral questions. But as the AI arms race heats up between global powers, the pressure to deploy the tech to gain a military advantage will only grow — whether or not it is truly ready for use.


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Image source: Stability AI

The Rundown: Stability AI just partnered with Tripo AI to release TripoSR, a new state-of-the-art model that generates near-instant, high-quality 3D objects from a single image.

The details:

  • TripoSR uses an AI system with millions of parameters to analyze a 2D image and predict a 3D representation of the object.

  • The model was trained on a massive dataset of nearly 1M 3D objects, including both synthetic renderings and real-world captures.

  • TripoSR runs efficiently without requiring a high-end GPU, making it widely accessible for use in design, gaming, AR/VR, and beyond.

Why it matters: With its impressive speed and quality, TripoSR represents a major leap forward in AI-powered 3D creation. By enabling nearly instant generations from a single photo, the tech could revolutionize workflows and empower more creators to bring their visions to life in 3D. 


The Rundown: Anthropic just released Claude 3, setting new industry benchmarks across a wide range of tasks.

Here are a couple of tests we ran for Claude 3 (Opus) vs. ChatGPT (GPT-4):

  • Content writing: When asked the question, “Write a blog post about the benefits of traveling to other countries,” Claude responded more naturally and less robotically than ChatGPT.

  • Coding an app: When the task was to code a colorful currency converter app, Claude did a better job in following the instructions and making it colorful. ChatGPT’s app was functional but very plain.

  • Math: It’s well-known that LLMs are not good with prime numbers. Surprisingly, ChatGPT answered correctly when asked “Is 29593 a prime number?”, while Claude did not.

  • Creative writing: “Write ten sentences that end with ‘th’”. ChatGPT did 4 out of 10 correctly, while Claude got right 5 out of 10.


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Image source: Edelman

The Rundown: Trust in AI tool companies has dropped significantly worldwide in recent years, according to a newly released 2024 Trust Barometer study.

The details:

  • Responses show a stark 26-point gap between high trust in the overall tech industry (76%) and much lower trust in AI specifically (50%).

  • AI trust in the U.S. plummeted by 15 points from 2019 to just 35%, while global numbers fell 8 points to 53%.

  • AI concerns centered on privacy, devaluing humanity, societal harm, and lack of regulation — not job displacement as often assumed.

Why it matters: Despite AI accelerating faster than ever, the public’s trust in the industry is going in the complete opposite direction. How AI leaders respond and adapt to negative mainstream sentiment will shape the trajectory of mass adoption in the years ahead.


  • 🚀 AI Studios- AI-driven content creation and video generation

  • 🤖 Exa- Link AI to the Internet for improved context awareness

  • 🔍 DATAKU- Advanced extraction and transformation of unstructured text data

  • 🎨 Outfit GPT- Revamp your style with personal fashion tips GPT

  • 📚 Reading Club- Bring children's stories to life with AI

  • 🎧 Listener.fm- Use AI to generate podcast titles, descriptions, and show notes in seconds

  • 🕵️ Anthropic - Insider Risk and Intelligence Manager

  • 🌐 Shield AI - Principal Full-stack Software Engineer

  • 🔍 Open AI- Engineering Manager – API Capabilities

  • 🧑‍💼 Cohere- Senior Modelling Product Manager


Microsoft filed a motion to dismiss the NYT’s copyright lawsuit against OpenAI, comparing the newspaper's arguments to failed attempts by Hollywood studios to prevent the introduction of VCR.

Alibaba led a $600M funding round for Chinese AI startup MiniMax, marking the e-commerce giant's second major AI investment in 2024.

Over 100 AI researchers signed an open letter urging AI companies like OpenAI, Meta, and Google to provide a legal and technical safe harbor for independent researchers to audit their systems.

Overjet announced a $53.2M Series C round for its dental platform, which uses AI to analyze scans, notes, and audio for improved diagnosis and treatment.

U.K. doctors are using a new AI tool that can predict kidney failure six times faster than human analysts, potentially enabling faster interventions and better patient outcomes.

AMD is reportedly facing a hurdle from the U.S. government in selling an AI chip tailored to the Chinese market, with officials deeming it too powerful and requiring an export license.



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