OpenAI's news empire grows

PLUS: AI brain implant enables bilingual breakthrough

Welcome, AI enthusiasts.

OpenAI just added several new media giants to its AI news empire, along with an accelerator to spread the tech even further across the journalism landscape.

But as publishers line up to join the AI gold rush, are they adapting to a new revolution — or sealing the industry’s fate? Let's explore…

In today’s AI rundown:

  • OpenAI adds major news partners

  • Mistral unveils first code-focused model

  • Unlock ChatGPT’s interactive charts and tables

  • AI brain implant language breakthrough

  • 6 new AI tools & 4 new AI jobs

  • More AI & tech news

Read time: 4 minutes



Image source: Midjourney

The Rundown: OpenAI just announced a series of new content and product partnerships with Vox Media and The Atlantic, as well as a global accelerator program to help publishers leverage AI.

The details:

  • The Vox partnership gives ChatGPT training access to content from brands like Vox, The Verge, New York Magazine, Eater, and more.

  • The Atlantic’s content will be more discoverable within OpenAI products.

  • The partnership announcement comes despite an article that ran in The Atlantic last week warning that media partnerships with AI firms are a mistake.

  • The Newsroom AI Catalyst, a joint effort between OpenAI and WAN-IFRA, will provide AI guidance and experience to 128 newsrooms across the globe.

Why it matters: Despite constant pushback on AI firms and their training data, media companies are finding few available paths forward other than bending the knee. While AI tools can undoubtedly enhance newsroom efficiency, their adoption won’t come without some major growing pains.


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Image source: Mistral

The Rundown: French AI startup Mistral just released Codestral, the company’s first code-focused model for software development — outperforming other coding-specific rivals across major benchmarks.

The details:

  • Codestral is a 22B parameter, open-weight model that specializes in coding tasks, with training on over 80 different programming languages.

  • The model beats out code-focused rivals like CodeLlama 70B and Deepseek Coder 33B across top benchmarks like HumanEval and RepoBench.

  • The model is available for use under a non-commercial license on both Hugging Face and through Mistral’s Le Chat platform.

Why it matters: AI has already completely revolutionized programmer workflows, and impressive open releases like Codestral will put advanced tools into even more hands. The model is also another feather in Mistral’s cap, as the French startup continues to compete with the world’s top AI firms.


The Rundown: OpenAI recently introduced a game-changing feature in ChatGPT that lets you analyze, visualize, and interact with your data without the need for complex formulas or coding.


  1. Head over to ChatGPT and select GPT-4o.

  2. Upload data by clicking the 📎 button and select specific columns or rows for a clear focus.

  3. Prompt for interactive charts for powerful visualizations (e.g., "Create a pie chart for X distribution").

  4. Hover over the different sections to see the exact values, change the chart type, and explore the legend for better understanding.


The Rundown: Section’s AI Crash Course (June 10-17) is a 1-week deep dive into the business applications of AI. Sign up now, and walk away with proven use cases you can put to work immediately.

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Image source: Zephyr/SPL

The Rundown: Researchers at UC San Francisco just developed a brain implant that utilizes AI to help a stroke survivor communicate in both Spanish and English, switching between languages seamlessly via brain activity.

The details:

  • The bilingual implant was tested on a patient who lost his ability to speak after suffering a stroke at the age of 20.

  • An AI-powered decoding system was trained to recognize the patient’s brain activity patterns when articulating words in both languages.

  • The system determined the patient’s intended language with 88% accuracy and the correct sentence 75% of the time.

  • The implant allows the patient to participate in bilingual conversations and switch between languages, despite not learning English until after his stroke.

Why it matters: This research is another example of AI’s increasing ability to interpret our brainwaves — potentially unlocking an endless supply of new learnings, treatments, and technology. It’s also yet another massive leap for unlocking communication for stroke victims while breaking language barriers in the process.


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Udio launched new updates to its AI music generation platform, including a new model for two-minute track generation, more advanced controls and prompt strength, and more.

Mr. Beast released new tools for his ViewStats Pro content platform, including an AI-powered thumbnail search that allows users to find inspiration with natural language prompts.

Samsung announced new AI features coming to its Galaxy Watch, including Energy Score for advanced health tracking analysis and Wellness Tips for more personalized insights.

Arm released new AI-optimized chip designs and software tools for smartphones, working to speed adoption by working with Samsung and TSMC on manufacturing blueprints.

Scale AI introduced SEAL Leaderboards, a new evaluation metric for frontier AI models that aims for more secure, trustworthy measurements.

Midjourney founder David Holz revealed that the company has a new hardware team, which comes after previous rumors of wanting to build a ‘holodeck’ type device.



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