🤖 A new ChatGPT rival emerges...

PLUS: Create an AI video right from your phone

In today's rundown:

  • 🤗 Hugging Face launches HuggingChat: ChatGPT's newest rival

  • 🎥 Runway launches Gen-1 iPhone app: Create films from your pocket

  • 🥷 ChatGPT goes incognito: How to disable chat history

  • 👁️‍🗨️ NVIDIA announces NeMo Guardrails: Enhancing chatbot safety

  • 🤖 Yelp adds AI-powered search: Discover business easier

Read time: 5 minutes

Hugging Face has launched a 30-billion-parameter open-sourced AI chatbot called HuggingChat, designed to compete with OpenAI's ChatGPT.

Developed by the Open Assistant project under the German nonprofit LAION, HuggingChat aims to be a versatile, customizable, and efficient assistant accessible to all.

Despite concerns about the potential misuse of open-source models, the demand for alternatives to ChatGPT continues to rise. Hugging Face's next move could be introducing HuggingChat Apps, solidifying its position as a major competitor to OpenAI.

Runway has introduced its first mobile app for iOS, allowing users to access their Gen-1 video-to-video generative AI model directly from their phones.

The app functions like a style transfer tool, enabling users to transform existing videos based on text, image, or video inputs. Despite some limitations, such as footage length restrictions and occasional processing delays, the app is a game changer for content creation.

Although Runway may not yet be suitable for professional production work, it offers a glimpse into the exciting possibilities that tools like this will bring in the near future. Soon, people will be creating entire films right from their pockets!

OpenAI just launched a feature for ChatGPT that allows users to turn off chat history, allowing users to choose conversations that can be used to train their models. This is huge for the current EU privacy concerns, especially with the recent ban in Italy.

AI enthusiasts are calling this the 'incognito' mode of ChatGPT, but it's not exactly the same. In the blog post by OpenAI, they highlight:

  • "When chat history is disabled, we will retain new conversations for 30 days and review them only when needed to monitor for abuse before permanently deleting."

This means that OpenAI will continue to review chats for abusive conversations, but those chats will not be used to train and improve their models. While knowledge is power, regulating it is essential to ensure it's used responsibly.

NVIDIA just announced NeMo Guardrails, an open-source tool designed to improve the performance and safety of AI-powered chatbots like ChatGPT.

This toolkit essentially acts as a safety mechanism for chatbots. It intercepts responses before reaching the Large Language Model (LLM) to either prevent a response or guide its formulation.

Available as open-source code on GitHub, NVIDIA also offers NeMo Guardrails as part of its AI Foundations service, providing pre-trained models and frameworks for companies that lack the time or resources to train and maintain their models. In summary, NeMo Guardrails will help make AI chatbots more useful and reliable.

Yelp is harnessing the power of AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance their search experience. The new search feature provides smarter suggestions, helping users discover businesses that meet their requirements better.

By using LLMs, Yelp can now understand the nuances of user search intent and display relevant information from reviews as snippets under each business listing. Additionally, Yelp is using AI to provide better search suggestions based on user search intent without being limited by location.

The bottom line: Yelp is keeping up with AI innovation, leading to a more efficient, tailored, and versatile search experience for its users.

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  • Photoshoot- Generate product shots in seconds (link)

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🐦 Tweet of the day

The 15 biggest AI companies other than OpenAI:(click tweet to read more)

That's all for now!

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