Elon reveals a potential Midjourney partnership

PLUS: Adobe's new AI PDF tools

Welcome, AI enthusiasts.

Elon Musk is setting the AI rumor mill on fire.

A new live-spaces recording revealed a potential Midjourney collab, a Neuralink breakthrough, Grok 1.5, and more — a casual string of AI bombshells! Let’s get into it…

In today’s AI rundown:

  • Musk reveals potential Midjourney partnership

  • Adobe adds AI to Acrobat

  • Use NotebookLM to enhance reading

  • Study shows AI reshaping freelance landscape

  • 6 new AI tools & 4 new AI jobs

  • More AI & tech news

Read time: 4 minutes



Image source: DogeDesigne

The Rundown: Elon Musk dropped some major AI news during a live Spaces appearance on X (formerly Twitter), including a potential partnership with Midjourney, a Neuralink patient update, and Grok 1.5 information.

The details:

  • Musk said X is exploring a partnership with Midjourney, with speculation that the image generator will be integrated into X’s Grok chatbot.

  • X is also expected to start labeling AI-generated images on its feed, which could also come in tandem with a Midjourney deal.

  • Grok 1.5 is also set for release in the next few weeks, featuring a ‘Grok Analysis’ button for post summaries and writing aids.

  • Musk also revealed that the first human Neuralink patient has made a full recovery and is now able to control a computer mouse with just their thoughts.

Why it matters: While we knew X’s ‘Everything App’ ambitions included a hefty dose of AI — it’s doubtful many had a Midjourney partnership on their bingo cards. If the partnership goes through, X will instantly become one of the world's biggest generative AI image sites.


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Image source: …

The Rundown: Adobe just launched an AI chatbot in beta for its Acrobat software, aiming to make navigating long documents easier with auto-generated summaries and insights.

The details:

  • AI Assistant aims to reduce tedious PDF management through conversational interactions.

  • The tool can answer questions about a document and works with PDFs, Word files, PowerPoints, and more.

  • AI summaries provide quick overviews of docs, with citations helping to verify the accuracy.

  • Both individual and business customers can get full access to the AI Assistant through a paid add-on subscription coming soon.

Why it matters: Injecting AI into one of the most ubiquitous workplace tools is a no brainer — and one that could spell trouble for the many PDF GPT wrappers.


The Rundown: You can use Google NotebookLM as a virtual research assistant to help unlock your Kindle highlights and improve the recall of your favorite books.

  1. Visit your Kindle Notebook, and save the notes from books relevant to your research topic (e.g., product development) as PDFs.

  2. Navigate to Google Notebook LM and create a new notebook, for example, "Product Development".

  3. Add your Kindle notes as source files.

  4. You can now ask questions, request summaries, and more based solely on the notes you provided. The responses will include citations that link directly to the Kindle files.

  5. Moreover, AI-generated prompts will help continue your exploration of the content, improving your recall and research!


The Rundown: Covalent provides instant access to serverless GPUs like H100s, A100s, L40s, and RTXs, entirely in Python. No reservations needed – only pay for what you use.

With Covalent, you get:

  • AI infrastructure with a single Python decorator

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Image source: Bloomberry

The Rundown: An in-depth analysis of freelance platforms revealed that the AI revolution is already reshaping the job market, with certain roles feeling the heat while demand for AI-savvy skills skyrockets.

The details:

  • Writing gigs dropped over 30% as early AI adopters shifted to new tech, with customer service positions declining.

  • Demand for video editing, graphic design, and web/software development remains strong, with increased job postings and higher pay.

  • Chatbot development experienced a staggering 2000% surge in demand, with companies integrating AI APIs over developing their own models.

Why it matters: With concerns mounting over AI’s looming job displacements, the data paints an interesting picture of where trends are heading. However, as tools continue to improve and AI further integrates into society, expect needs to continue to change.


  • 🎶 lyrical labs- Enhance songwriting with AI inspiration and instant lyric enhancement (link)

  • 🚀 AdGen AI- Ad creative generator for effortless publishing (link)

  • 🔍 Zenfetch Personal AI- Turn saved web content into an AI assistant (link)

  • 🎮 Powder- Transform live streams into captivating social media-ready clips (link)

  • 📝 Blog Outline Creator GPT- Create SEO-optimized blog outlines with targeted keyword analysis (link)

  • 🕵🏼 Mindware- API gateway that connects AI Agents to the Internet (link)

  • 🛠️ Anthropic- Software Engineer, Finance Systems (link)

  • 🖋️ Shield AI- Technical Writer - Technical Documents (link)

  • 🌟 Open AI- User Operations Generalist (link)

  • 👩‍💻 Sanctuary AI- Lead Systems Integration Engineer (link)


Adobe introduced CAVA, a research team focused on the future of AI video creation, working to invent new models and processes.

OpenAI doubled rate limits for GPT-4 Turbo, now reaching a maximum of 1.5M tokens per minute while also removing daily limits.

Microsoft is working on a new network card to boost its Maia AI chip's performance, aiming to decrease its dependency on Nvidia.

U.S. House leaders established a bipartisan AI task force, co-chaired by California Reps. Jay Obernolte and Rep. Ted Lieu, to explore innovation and establish protective measures against AI risks.

Apple is reportedly accelerating the development of a smart ring, potentially entering the market to compete with Samsung's upcoming Galaxy Ring.

Recogni secured $102M in Series C funding to further develop its AI inference chip for generative AI and autonomous vehicles.

Bioptimus announced a $35M seed round, with plans to develop an AI model specifically focusing on biology applications.



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