AI developer codes websites by itself

PLUS: Study sounds alarm on 'extinction level' AI risks

Welcome, AI enthusiasts.

Ready to deploy your own personal AI software engineer to build you a website or app? A new release just brought that reality a whole lot closer.

Cognition’s ‘Devin’ can plan, write, and debug entire coding projects from scratch — and it’s already outperforming human devs on real-world tasks. Let’s explore…

In today’s AI rundown:

  • Cognition unveils an AI software agent

  • Create and access custom Copilot GPTs

  • AI-powered stories make Pulitzer debut

  • 6 new AI tools & 4 new AI jobs

  • More AI & tech news

Read time: 3 minutes



Image source: Cognition AI

The Rundown: Cognition AI just introduced Devin, an autonomous AI agent that can independently write entire software projects from scratch based on simple text prompts.

The details:

  • Devin can plan and execute complex coding tasks with hundreds of steps.

  • The autonomous agent can code while learning, fixing bugs, and collaborating with users in real time.

  • In demos, Devin built complete websites and apps in under 10 minutes and successfully completed real gigs posted on Upwork by itself.

  • On a coding benchmark, the AI agent solved 13.86% of real-world GitHub issues end-to-end, crushing the previous SOTA benchmark of 1.96%.

Why it matters: Cognition AI isn't just claiming to have built a better coding assistant but a truly artificial software engineer. If it lives up to the hype, Devin could be the first true look into a future where anyone can spawn an AI worker to build a concept, no coding skills required. 


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The Rundown: In case you missed it, Microsoft recently launched its free version of ChatGPT GPTs in Copilot. In this tutorial, you will learn how you can access Copilot GPTs or even create your own.


  1. Visit Copilot’s website and sign in.

  2. On the right side, you’ll see a list of Copilot GPTs to choose from.

  3. Pick your favorite and start chatting with it.

  4. If you have a Copilot Pro Account, you can also create your own by clicking: “See all Copilot GPTs" and then "Create a new Copilot GPT".

  5. Lastly, follow the creation chat or write the details on the “Configure” tab and hit “Publish” when done!


Image source: Midjourney

The Rundown: A Pulitzer Prize administrator just revealed that five of this year's 45 top journalist finalists disclosed using AI in their reporting process for the first time ever.

The details:

  • The Pulitzer Prize is a prestigious award for achievements in journalism, magazines, and literature in the United States.

  • Submissions noted using AI in processes including research, reporting, and storytelling.

  • The Pulitzer Board also added an AI usage disclosure requirement for the first time this year.

Why it matters: With more outlets adopting AI and partnering with major firms, it's clear that tech has a role to play in journalism’s future — and the top award panels seem to agree. But AI still faces an uphill battle with legacy media to be seen as a tool rather than a replacement or plagiarism machine.


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  • 🧮 Decode- Analyzes your tax return to provide recommendations

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An indexed blog for GPT 4.5 Turbo was found on Bing and DuckDuckGo, listing a 250k context window and a knowledge cutoff of June 2024.

Google DeepMind co-founder Shane Legg said that practical deployment of AGI is still decades away while speaking at SXSW 2024, citing factors like cost and robotic advancements.

Meta unveiled two massive new GPU clusters to support its current and next-generation AI models as part of its larger infrastructure roadmap, which aims for 350,000 NVIDIA H100 GPUs by the end of 2024.

Mayo Clinic researchers developed a new class of ‘hypothesis driven’ AI to advance cancer research, potentially leading to deeper understanding, improved treatment strategies, and personalized medicine.

Google will reportedly restrict its Gemini AI chatbot from answering election-related questions in countries with upcoming votes in 2024, including the U.S. and India, to prevent disinformation.

DoorDash introduced a new AI feature called SafeChat+, designed to review in-app conversations to detect and prevent verbal abuse on the platform.



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