🤖 Amazon's ChatGPT rival

PLUS: Samsung unveils 'Gauss' AI for phones

Welcome, AI enthusiasts.

Amazon is reportedly spending millions on 'Olympus,' a massive 2 trillion parameter model aimed at rivaling OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Is Amazon’s AI titan set up to become a top contender in the AI frenzy? Let’s get into it…

In today’s AI rundown:

  • Amazon training massive ‘Olympus’ ChatGPT competitor

  • Samsung infusing products with new ‘Gauss’ LLM

  • 10 new AI tools to try

  • How to master ChatGPT prompting with a 6-step formula

  • Google’s AI search features expand to 120 new countries

  • DeepMind researchers create tier list for AGI progress tracking

  • NVIDIA’s lightning-fast Eos sets AI training record

Read time: 3 minutes



Image source: DALL-E 3

The Rundown: Amazon is reportedly investing millions in training a massive language model codenamed 'Olympus' to rival AI leaders like OpenAI, as well as eventually incorporating it into its Alexa speakers and online platform.

The details:

  • Olympus is reported to have 2 trillion parameters, which could make it one of the world's largest AI models (GPT-4 had 1 trillion).

  • The project is led by former head of Alexa Rohit Prasad, now Amazon's head scientist for AGI.

  • Amazon believes homegrown, state-of-the-art models could provide an edge for its AWS offerings against competitors.

  • Its previous LLM ‘Titan’ was delayed following ChatGPT’s impressive launch, which Amazon execs felt was ‘far superior’ to their model.

Our thoughts: Though currently lagging behind, Amazon has the resources and the reach to catch up quickly. Integrating a massive LLM into a product like Alexa could be another mass adoption moment for AI consumer tech.

They also have some interesting data for their LLM to train on that others don’t: What you buy.


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The Rundown: Tech giant Samsung just threw its hat into the LLM ring at the company’s AI Forum, teasing a new generative model called ‘Gauss’, which boasts language, coding, and image generation capabilities.

The details:

  • Samsung says the on-device AI will be implemented in future products, with speculation around the upcoming Galaxy S24 phone.

  • Samsung has an AI Red Team focused on responsible development, along with on-device processing for privacy.

  • Language can generate emails, summaries, and translations, Code is specialized for coding tasks and workflows, and Image can create new visual content and modify existing images.

The relevance: While Samsung’s entry into the LLM space was inevitable, it’s unclear what benefits this model offers over current leaders. But like Amazon, the potential for consumer integration within Samsung’s products is massive.


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Want to take your ChatGPT usage to the next level and get the best possible outputs? Follow this structured framework to master the art of the prompt:

Task: Clearly define the objective, and be concise yet detailed. Simple vs complex examples: Simple: "Generate a 3-month diet program." Complex: "Analyze collected user feedback, summarize top 3 takeaways for improvement, and categorize rest by importance."

Context: Provide relevant background info to frame the request. More context helps ChatGPT understand you and your needs.

Examples: Including examples to guide structure and style can dramatically improve output quality. Examples allow ChatGPT to mimic the style, structure, and tone of almost anything.

Persona: Adopt a specific viewpoint and get responses from a particular perspective. Ex: therapist, business CEO, math tutor, etc.

Format: Specify desired output format like table, bullets, email, code blocks — ChatGPT is great at providing content in unique ways.

Tone: Set the mood of the output — casual, formal, enthusiastic, etc. to ensure your content resonates emotionally.

While not every step is always needed, focusing on key elements in order to produce the best results. Happy prompting!


Google just expanded its AI-powered Search Generative Experience to 120+ new countries, broadening the reach of the tech’s infusion into the company’s core product. Slowly but surely, AI is revolutionizing how the world finds info.

Researchers from Google DeepMind have proposed a framework of "Levels of AGI" based on performance and generality, aiming to standardize and track progress toward human-like AI. The tier list comes on the heels of DeepMind cofounder Shane Legg predicting a 50% chance of AGI by 2028 last month.

NVIDIA's upgraded Eos supercomputer now trains a 175 billion parameter AI model in just under 4 minutes, breaking the company’s own speed record set six months ago by 3x. The system leverages 10,000+ GPUs to pull off training models in a fraction of the time, touting lightning-speed results.

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That’s it for today’s news in the world of AI!

If you have anything interesting to share, please reach out to us by sending us a DM on Twitter: @rowancheung & @therundownai

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