🤖 How AI is fueling the stock market

PLUS: AI uncovers rare DNA sequence

In today's rundown:

  • 📈 AI is fueling the stock market

  • 🚨 Global leaders collaborate for AI governance

  • 🧬 AI uncovers rare DNA sequence

  • 🛠️ 10 fresh new AI tools & resources

Read time: 4 minutes

A handful of stocks are spearheading the S&P 500's impressive 9% rally this year, and you guessed it – they're mostly at the heart of the AI mania, thanks to our beloved chatbot, ChatGPT.

Here’s the kicker: if you excluded AI stocks, the S&P 500 would be down over 1% (according to Societe Generale).

Stocks on the rise:

Goldman Sachs pundits estimate that generative AI (like our friend ChatGPT) could boost S&P 500 companies' profit margins by around 4 percent over a decade after widespread adoption.

From our partners

LOVO is the go-to platform for 500,000+ professionals and creators to produce e-learning and marketing materials.

Access ultra-realistic AI voices at a fraction of the cost of traditional voice production.

LOVO makes content creation possible for virtually anything using:

  • Human-like AI voices

  • A ChatGPT-powered content writer

  • An AI art creator

  • A subtitles generator

Enjoy all the features using their free 14-day trial and 50% discount off your first month if you subscribe now.

The G7, or Group of Seven, an assembly of world leaders from seven of the world's leading economies, met in Hiroshima, Japan, on Friday. The leaders acknowledged the need for governance of AI and immersive tech.

They’re calling this governance the “Hiroshima AI process,” set to roll out later this year, which is poised to facilitate a critical international conversation.

We’re living in a time where AI chatbots like ChatGPT are quickly reshaping our digital landscape, and everyone and their dogs agree that a discussion around risks such as job losses and the spread of misinformation is crucial.

AI hype isn't just chatbots anymore. Researchers at UC San Diego are leveraging AI to study the core functions of our genes. They're diving deep into gene activation, a fundamental process in growth, development, and disease.

Harnessing the power of machine learning, they've identified rare "synthetic extreme" DNA sequences. The race is on to uncover these sequences, and if they're out there, AI is our best bet to find them, according to Professor James Kadonaga.

Why should you care? Well, imagine a world where we can more effectively treat various diseases or refine gene editing methods simply by understanding how genes are switched on or off.

With this research, we're on the cusp of transforming the comprehension of our own genetic code, which will have massive implications for health, medicine, and potentially even our lifespan. The AI and healthcare revolution has just begun.

🛠️ Trending Tools & Resources

  • DiagramGPT- Take code or natural language and create a diagram (link)

  • Gasby AI- Your fancy AI personal assistant to ask anything (link)

  • Dante- Custom GPT chatbots trained on your data (link)

  • Codium- CodiumAI’s new VS-Code Extension v0.6.0 (link)

  • Zbrain- Build ChatGPT apps with private data in minutes (link)

  • Zoo- A free, open-source playground for AI image models (link)

  • TaxGPT- Automated tax filing using AI (link)

  • Shortform- Summarize any web page or video (link)

  • Business Name Generator- Generate instantly unique & rhyming product name ideas by AI (link)

  • ChuckGPT- AI meme generator with the help of Chuck Norris (link)

View our database of all the best AI tools mentioned in our newsletter: 

Have cool resources to share? Submit a tool or reach us by replying to this email.

🐦 Tweet of the Day

An in-depth look at ChatGPT’s biggest competitor, Perplexity AI:

❤️ Rundown Review of the Day

That's all for now!

If you have any interesting projects or ideas, please reach out to us by responding to this email or by sending us a DM on Twitter: @rowancheung & @therundownai

As always, thanks for reading, and see you next time. 🫡

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