🤖 Could AI destroy humanity?

PLUS: AI could impact 300M jobs

In today's rundown:

  • 🚨 Tech leaders call for a pause on AI: Could AI destroy humanity?

  • 🙊 Shocking Goldman Sachs research: AI can impact 300 million jobs

  • 🦄 Spline unveils Spline 3D: ChatGPT for 3D designers

  • 🎉 Today's giveaway: 200+ AI Startup Ideas

Read time: 4 minutes

🚨 Tech Leaders Call For a Pause on AI

Elon Musk and a group of artificial intelligence experts, including researchers from Google DeepMind, called for a six-month pause in developing AI systems more powerful than GPT-4.

Gary Marcus, the author of Rebooting AI, first posted this viral tweet containing the letter they proposed, citing the potential risks of AI to society. The concerns were raised from the shocking capabilities of GPT-4:

  • Engaging users in human-like conversations

  • Composing songs

  • Summarizing lengthy documents

  • This list of 20 incredible things already developed using GPT-4

The letter emphasizes powerful AI systems should only be developed once ensured that their effects will be positive and risks are manageable.

However, the letter has since received heavy backlash, as there seems to be no verification in signing it. Yann LeCun from Meta denied signing the letter and completely disagreed with the premise.

Should we pause AI development for 6 months?

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🙊 Shocking Goldman Sachs Research

Goldman Sachs just dropped a BIG piece of research- stating that as many as 300 million jobs could be affected by AI.

Here's the rundown:

  • AI could eventually increase annual global GDP by 7% over 10 years

  • 7% of workers will lose their jobs entirely in 10 years if generative AI reaches half of the employers

  • AI could automate 18% of the global workforce

  • AI can substitute 46% of administrative jobs and 44% of legal jobs

According to GS: “AI’s productivity boost may be twofold: employees will spend their time doing more valuable work, and those that are displaced will eventually be re-employed.”

Our advice: Embrace and harness the power of AI. Maintain a curious and open-minded attitude, and be prepared to continuously acquire new skills as AI and technology transforms the employment environment.

🦄 Spline Unveils Spline 3D

The power of AI is coming to the 3rd dimension. Spline just introduced Spline AI on Twitter, which is essentially ChatGPT for 3D design.

With Spline AI, you can:

  • Create objects/scenes

  • Edit objects, colors, and props

  • Physics and randomness

  • Animations and events

  • Style alternatives

  • Collaborate in real-time

Spline AI combined its existing platform with OpenAI's API to create another incredible tool for designers to add to their AI toolkits.

⚫️ Lykeion Research (Sponsor)

Lykeion Research

Founded by a team of former investment bankers, researchers, and portfolio strategists, Lykeion Research is an institutional quality newsletter. It explores the intersection of Geopolitics and Macroeconomics and is written and priced for retail.

Interested in sponsoring The Rundown? Check out our sponsorship options to see if you'd be a good fit!

🔥 Trending

  • WhisperBot- WhatsApp bot that transcribes voice messages into text (link)

  • RapJam- GPT-4 avatar that turns quiz responses into live rap songs (link)

  • Quilbot- Remove AI Content Detection and Plagiarism from your content (link)

  • Uncle Rabbit- The first conversational holographic AI (link)

  • ChatGPT Saver- Save/back up ChatGPT charts as a text file on local drive (link)

  • SlidesGPT-ChatGPT for presentations- Powerpoint/Google Slides (link)

  • Sttabot- Turn your prompts into cool AI apps (link)

  • CodeTutor- Learn to code with an AI tutor (link)

  • Boltic- No-code real time data monitoring platform (link)

  • MacGPT- ChatGPT on your Mac and menubar (link)

  • Nero-Enlarge image size and resolution while maintaining high quality (link)

  • HomeByte- AI powered interior designer (link)

  • FinalScout-Generate personalized emails based on a LinkedIn profile (link)

  • Brand AI- Train your AI model for personalized brand marketing creatives (link)

  • CustomGPT- Build your Customer engagement chatbot with your data (link)

  • Clipnote- YouTube video summarizer from a URL (link)

  • Yoya- Build personalized generative AI apps without code (link)

  • Sheeter- Quickly and easily generate complex excel formulas with AI (link)

  • ArxivGPT-Summarize an arXiv paper and provide key insights (link)

  • AskYourPDF-Turn your PDF into a chatbot you can chat with (link)

View our database of all the best AI tools mentioned in our newsletter:

Have cool resources to share? Submit a tool or reach us by replying to this email.

🐦 Tweet of the day

The AGI forecast has gone down by 25 years in the last year:

That's all for now!

If you have any interesting projects or ideas, please reach out to us by responding to this email or by sending us a DM on Twitter: @rowancheung & @therundownai

As always, thanks for reading, and see you next time. 🫡

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