Adobe's new AI music tool

PLUS: AI replaces 700 customer service reps

Welcome, AI enthusiasts.

Forget learning an instrument — Adobe’s new demo just made creating custom music tracks as easy as a simple text prompt.

Image and video are already having their AI moment… Is audio up next? Let’s explore…

In today’s AI rundown:

  • Adobe previews ‘Photoshop of music’

  • AI replaces 700 customer service reps

  • Create an expense report using ChatGPT

  • Alibaba’s EMO brings portraits to life

  • 6 new AI tools & 4 new AI jobs

  • More AI & tech news

Read time: 4 minutes



Image source: Adobe

The Rundown: Adobe just demoed Project Music GenAI Control, a prototype for easily generating and editing audio with AI — allowing creators to craft custom music tracks using text prompts.

The details:

  • Users start by inputting a text description to produce initial audio in a specified genre.

  • Integrated editing controls then allow adjusting patterns, tempo, intensity, and length to customize tracks.

  • The model is also able to reshape audio based on a reference melody and produce seamless background loops.

  • Adobe aims to solve major pain points for podcasters, broadcasters and other audio needs without pro experience, though the tech is not yet being released to the public.

Why it matters: While image and video generation has garnered most of the hype, it feels like music’s AI moment is coming. Between this Adobe demo and breakthroughs like Suno and Google’s MusicLM — it’s only a matter of time before the next billboard song is generated from prompts.

Check out the full demo video here.


The Rundown: Join us at the Imagine AI Live conference, March 27-28, at the new Fontainebleau Las Vegas, and discover how AI is transforming the business landscape.

Meet leaders of the generative AI revolution like:

  • Mark Heaps, Chief Technology Evangelist at Groq Inc.

  • Bindu Reddy, CEO of Abacus AI

  • Div Garg, Founder of MultiOn

Spots are filling up fast! Don't miss out on this chance to future-proof your business. 


Image source: Klarna

The Rundown: Fintech giant Klarna just released a blog touting the success of its OpenAI-powered customer service chatbot, which handled a whopping 2.3M conversations in the last month.

The details:

  • Klarna estimates the assistant will drive $40M in additional profit in 2024.

  • The chatbot finished the equivalent work of 700 full-time employees.

  • The average time to resolution dropped from 11 minutes to 2 minutes, with the bot available 24/7 and able to converse in over 35 languages.

  • The Swedish firm laid off 700 employees in 2022 and said it will no longer be hiring new staff outside of engineering due to AI.

Why it matters: Klarna’s eye-popping statistics are a likely indicator of where all customer service is heading. Which, despite profit gains and user satisfaction, will decimate a massive segment of workers. While AI’s unlocks are endless — they won’t come without a major reorganization of current labor.


The Rundown: Using ChatGPT's vision and text extraction capabilities, you can upload your receipts to quickly generate an expense report.

  1. Go to ChatGPT and create a new chat.

  2. Upload or take photos of the receipts you wish to include in your expense report.

  3. Prompt ChatGPT: “Analyze each receipt and create an expense report based on the uploaded receipts. For each receipt, record the date, merchant, and amount, then categorize each expense”

  4. ChatGPT will provide initial results for you to verify their accuracy. Afterward, you can request a CSV file of the expenses to incorporate into your expense report or import it into a spreadsheet.


The Rundown: Learn how industry leaders like Coinbase, LinkedIn, P&G, Roblox, and Databricks are deploying generative AI apps into production with Galileo’s free workshop.

At GenAI Productionize, you’ll learn:

  • How organizations govern, evaluate, and monitor GenAI

  • Practical hands-on architecture and tool insights

  • The emerging enterprise GenAI stack, from orchestration to evaluation, inference, retrieval, and more


Image source: Alibaba

The Rundown: Alibaba researchers just unveiled EMO, an AI system that generates realistic videos of portraits talking, singing, and moving from a single reference image and audio clip.

The details:

  • EMO was trained on 250+ hours of diverse multi-lingual footage, including speeches, films, and singing performances.

  • The model sidesteps traditionally needed 3D face models, directly generating frames with a diffusion model instead.

  • EMO mixes in reference footage to enable consistency across longer videos while realistically capturing expressions and lip-syncing.

Why it matters: Adding EMO’s realistic audio/expression syncing to Sora’s recent quality leap means we’re likely about to be in a whole new world of AI video generation capabilities very soon… Which brings both creative excitement and tremendous deepfake concern.


  • 📝 Serif- Create and maintain a comprehensive external knowledge base

  • 🎮 Auxuman- Transform your ideas into video games

  • 🎥 LTX Studio- AI filmmaking platform for creators, marketers, filmmakers and studios

  • 🎧 Podwise- A learning app for podcast listeners

  • 💼 Openmart- Curate personalized SMB sales opportunities in seconds

  •  Project Manager Buddy GPT- Boost project success with expert project management guidance

  • 🐝 Hive- Product Manager, Consumer Applications

  • 🤗 Hugging Face- Pre-Sales Machine Learning Solutions Engineer

  • ⚖️ Open AI- Senior AI Product Counsel

  • ☁️ Shield AI- Director, DevOps & Cloud Operations


Section is offering a free, 2-hour workshop on AI for Personal Productivity on March 14. Sign up to learn how to set up your AI workspace, pinpoint your best use cases, and more. Enroll here.*

Meta will reportedly release its upgraded Llama-3 model in July, set to be twice as large as Llama-2 and on par with GPT-4 in capabilities.

Lightricks launched LTX Studio for AI-powered filmmaking, enabling creatives to automatically generate scripts, editable storyboards, and short video clips.

Qualcomm announced its new AI Hub platform, which features over 75 optimized models for Snapdragon platforms to accelerate on-device AI app development.

Ideogram rolled out a new 1.0 version of its text-to-image model, boasting state-of-the-art text generation capabilities alongside enhanced image quality and prompt comprehension.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said the company expects to ‘break new ground’ in AI later this year during its annual shareholder meeting.

Three new publications have filed lawsuits against OpenAI and Microsoft, with The Intercept, Raw Story, and AlterNet alleging copyright infringement.

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